The Diet Begins

Actually, it began yesterday.  Since my aunt from overseas sent us a package which included an assortment of nuts, I opted to curtail my usual eating habits with a fruit and nut diet.  The guide which I read promised that the first three days were really the hardest.  And they were right!!! I kept craving for my normal food every time I munch on nuts and fruits.  Grrr!!!

I must say I gave in by dinner time eating my “normal” meal.  Thankfully though, it seemed that I only had an appetite for 2 to 3 spoonfuls. (Whew!)  I planned on going on jogging but then, the best-laid plans seem to backfire on me.  I didn’t get enough sleep last night since my mom didn’t get home until the wee hours of the morning.

For my breakfast this morning, I only ate 3 spoonfuls of rice and meat viand.  Then for my morning snacks I munched on a banana and nuts.  BUT my afternoon snacks, however, ruined my plan.  I was assigned by our head office to purchase food for thanksgiving for the whole plant for our afternoon snacks.  It was SO unexpected.  And since the food I ordered was very appetizing… there goes my diet again!

But I’m not too bummed about it… yet.  I guess I’ll have to make up for it by the coming days.  I should really be starting my jogging tomorrow morning.  At least it would also rev me up for the fun run I’ll be joining on October 24.  Oh no!  I just realized!  It’ll be our family day the same day as well.  Waaahhhh…

Who said diet was easy?  Even the planning stage is hard.  But I guess that’s just me.  How about you guys, do you have any suggestions for a diet plan?

About d@rk_@ngel_kn!ght

A traveler at heart, a bystander by nature. On good hair days, I look like a cobra with my hair serving as my "hood". On other days, I'm better off left alone. Genuine, sweet, thoughtful, and simple.

Posted on October 8, 2010, in An Ode to Food, Health and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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